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The homeless crisis throughout the UK

The homeless crisis throughout the UK

“UK Homelessness Soars Amidst Rising Rents: A Look at the Ongoing Crisis”


The United Kingdom is currently grappling with an escalating homelessness crisis, as rents continue to skyrocket, leaving many individuals and families without stable housing. Despite the government’s commitment to end homelessness by next year, experts are warning that this target will not be met due to persistent challenges within the housing system. In this blog post, we will delve into the key issues contributing to the surge in homelessness and explore the findings of a recent report by the Kerslake Commission on Homelessness and Rough Sleeping.

The Unmet Target:

The Kerslake Commission, a group of 36 independent experts formed in 2021, has concluded that the government’s goal of eradicating rough sleeping by the next year will remain unfulfilled. This failure comes at a time when the UK is facing a housing and affordability crisis, which has forced more people onto the streets. The commission highlights a chronic lack of early support to prevent homelessness as a contributing factor to this crisis.

Rising Rough Sleeping Figures:

Disturbingly, the number of people estimated to be sleeping rough in England has risen for the first time since 2017. A snapshot taken on a single night in autumn last year revealed that 3,069 people were sleeping rough, marking a 26% increase from the previous year and a staggering 74% increase since 2010. These figures paint a bleak picture of the growing homelessness problem.

Record Highs in Temporary Accommodation:

The issue of homelessness extends beyond rough sleeping. The numbers of households and children living in temporary accommodation, considered another form of homelessness, have reached record highs in England. By the end of March, a staggering 104,510 households were in temporary accommodation, the highest number in 25 years. Furthermore, 131,370 children were living in temporary accommodation, the highest since records began in 2004.

Government’s Commitment and General Election:

In September 2022, the government published its “Ending Rough Sleeping For Good” strategy, reiterating its 2019 manifesto commitment to end rough sleeping by the end of the current parliamentary term. However, with a general election expected in the near future, meeting this pledge becomes increasingly challenging.

The Kerslake Commission’s Recommendations:

The Kerslake Commission’s report emphasizes the need to prioritize increasing capacity within the housing system. It identifies a severe shortage of social rented housing and supported housing as key contributors to the homelessness crisis. Additionally, the commission calls for homelessness and rough sleeping to be treated as a priority across all government departments, with a collaborative, trauma-informed approach.

Effects of the Illegal Migration Act:

The report also highlights the detrimental effects of the Illegal Migration Act, particularly on non-UK nationals. The act could leave as many as 190,000 people with an asylum claim in limbo, facing extreme hardship and poverty.

The Way Forward:

Despite the grim situation, there is hope for change. The report underscores the progress made during the pandemic when a shared purpose and dedicated funding helped reduce rough sleeping. It is crucial to apply the same energy and determination to address the ongoing homelessness and rough sleeping crisis.


The UK’s homelessness crisis is a complex issue that demands immediate attention and comprehensive solutions. As the government grapples with meeting its targets, the Kerslake Commission’s report serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for a coordinated effort to provide affordable housing and support to those at risk of homelessness. The nation must come together to address this pressing issue and ensure that homelessness is no longer a blight on the UK’s social fabric.

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