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Histiocytosis awareness month

Histiocytosis awareness month

Histiocytosis awareness is a year-round endeavour, but during the month of September we ask EVERYONE to become engaged and increase Histiocytosis Awareness.

Below you’ll find some creative ways to help spread the word and raise histiocytosis awareness – so more people will KNOW HISTIO!

Join our #IKnowHistio campaign! Our goal is to spread the word “histio” in communities across the country, around the world and on social media through September…and beyond.

Sign the Pledge to raise histiocytosis awareness this September – then share it with your friends, family and network and ask them to share with their friends and family….let’s spread the histio awareness.

Histio Blue Ribbon Tribute Garden

Our Histio Blue Ribbon Tribute Garden is popping up again!

Over 30 years ago, the Histiocytosis Association planted a seed – what if we nurtured and grew a community of like-minded individuals who were all affected by this rare disease – histiocytosis– imagine what we could accomplish together.

Our Histio community has found ways to spread the word and support one another. From a kitchen table in New Jersey over 30 years ago to communities around the world today – we KNOW HISTIO.

Patients and families are invited to submit their name/the name of their Warrior to be included in a Histio Blue Ribbon Tribute Garden. The Garden will be on display at the Histiocytosis Association office in Pitman, New Jersey throughout the month of September in recognition of all Histio Warriors and Histiocytosis Awareness Month.

If you would like to submit your Warrior’s name please complete this submission form.

Wear Blue Wednesdays

Show your passion through fashion – every Wednesday in September we celebrate Wear Blue Wednesdays for histiocytosis awareness.

Encourage your family and friends to join you – whether it’s a t-shirt, hat, pajamas, socks or even blue hair – let’s all wear blue for histio awareness. We can’t wait to see your photos.

Tell Us – Why do YOU want people to Know Histio?

Help spread histio awareness – tell the world why they should Know Histio. If you or someone you love is affected by histio, we invite you to record and share a

#KnowHistio video today. Your message will powerfully illustrate what it’s like to live with a histiocytic disorder and why it’s important that more people to Know Histio.

In memory of Lili Kyriacou

Lili Kyriacou School Portrait
Lili Kyriacou School Portrait

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